e-commerce assets design + development

rebel active | rebel sports loyalty program

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce and web assets
soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce and web assets

project overview

Rebel Sports is Australia’s leading sports retailer, with a mission to inspire all Australians to chase their sporting dreams and passions.

As a member of the Rebel Sports’ in-house creative team, I collaborated with the eCommerce and Marketing department to develop web assets for the research phase of the Rebel Active Loyalty Program. This project aimed to enhance the customer experience and align with the brand’s commitment to helping Australians stay active.

my role

Working closely with the eCommerce and Marketing department, I designed in Figma and developed for Salesforce key digital e-commerce assets to help shape the loyalty program’s online presence.

scope of work






  • Landing pages and components design

  • Development of e-commerce fragments for Salesforce CMS

  • Social media reels and stories (9x16 format)

< tools />
< .tools />

Adobe XD
HTML/CSS for Salesforce
After Effects

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce assets research phase

rebel active Loyalty Program Research Phase

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce assets research phase

e-commerce web assets (designs + SalesForce fragments)

past projects with rebel sports

I have had the chance to collaborate with Rebel Sports’ in-house creative team since 2021. Here are some web design layouts from these collaborations.

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce web design

rebel Sports past collaborations

rebel Sports social media assets samples

studio showreel

next projects


e-commerce assets design + development

rebel active | rebel sports loyalty program

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce and web assets

project overview

Rebel Sports is Australia’s leading sports retailer, with a mission to inspire all Australians to chase their sporting dreams and passions.

As a member of the Rebel Sports’ in-house creative team, I collaborated with the eCommerce and Marketing department to develop web assets for the research phase of the Rebel Active Loyalty Program. This project aimed to enhance the customer experience and align with the brand’s commitment to helping Australians stay active.

my role

Working closely with the eCommerce and Marketing department, I designed in Figma and developed for Salesforce key digital e-commerce assets to help shape the loyalty program’s online presence.

scope of work






  • Landing pages and components design

  • Development of e-commerce fragments for Salesforce CMS

  • Social media reels and stories (9x16 format)

< tools />

Adobe XD
HTML/CSS for Salesforce
After Effects

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce assets research phase

rebel active Loyalty Program Research Phase

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce assets research phase

e-commerce web assets
(designs + SalesForce fragments)

past projects with rebel sports

I have had the chance to collaborate with Rebel Sports’ in-house creative team since 2021. Here are some web design layouts from these collaborations.

soradesignsStudio - rebel sports e-commerce web design

rebel Sports past collaborations

rebel Sports social media assets samples

studio showreel

next projects

©soradesigns.studio 2024
sydney, nsw
©soradesigns.studio 2024
sydney, nsw
©soradesigns.studio 2024
sydney, nsw